What My Mind Does While I Wait

Monday, April 24, 2006

I feel like, even though i'm ready for this year to be over, for it to be summer so i can go back to camp and forget about misc. facts crammed in my forehead, that time goes to fast. Its already almost the end of April, i missed half of the flowering plants in my backyard bloom because i have yet to have but a few minutes to sit outside and enjoy the beautiful weather.

Spring is such a short season because truly, March is still winter here, so we get April and May before it becomes to hot and humid to bear. Spring is when the mornings and evenings are cool but the days and afternoons are in the 60s and 70s and the sun is partly cloudy and everything is flowered and green. I feel like i've been rushed through this April and i missed out on how beautiful out it is.

Also, i've been attempting to see my out of school friends, such as Sage, Marycate, Bryan, Alex, Kjel, Becca, etc. and each weekend rushes towards me and they are all filled with commitments such as soccer dinners and games and school art shows and dinners and events that i can't miss....

Books books and more books... i have about 10 in my shopping cart for amazon.com, was given one about religions and cults by my father to read that i'm interested in and was recommended 2 300-600 page books from a friends (Pat Conroy's books) ... but i have NO Time to read. In fact i barely have any useful free time at all... no time for drum lessons (haven't had one in 5 weeks), no time for walks in the park, no time to cook dinners, no time to see friends from out of state, no time to see friends from in state, no time to go to the movies (Thank You For Smoking is out)

I'm rushed and overwhelmed and time is flying by
is it a good thing or am i missing something?


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