What My Mind Does While I Wait

Tuesday, April 18, 2006

I need to start exercising again.

I'm unhappy with my constant eating habit, i need to start out healthy again like i use to be, no more of this cheesey junk foods like cheezits and goldfish.... Sitting around on the soccer field while everyone plays the game doesnt bother me, but its causing my body to become unfit, especially when after every game they give us cookies and cupcakes... beautiful gesture but they're truly trying to plumpin me up. I'm unhappy with my appearence and i'm going to fix it the correct way, with proper diet and exercise.... today instead of sitting on my ass on the computer when i got home, i embraced the oppertunity i had of not having classes tomorow to do a skateboarding journey to the park. I know skateboarding sounds easy... just let the wheels roll you around, but i happen to live at a park where it's all up hill or downhill and then back up again and so i got my heart pumpin.

Today in the soccer game, for the brief moment that i got in (less than five minutes) i shoved some girls around because we were down 5-0 to our archenemies of the soccer team... i was proud that i put my skills to the test and that even though i'm not the best or most talented (more like least talented) that i made a difference on the field, won a fifty fifty and tried to do something with the ball.

I'm extremely happy about my grades, because i keep doubting myself for what work i've accomplished... thinking my grades are plummiting. But so far this quarter i've gotten a 98 for my Math 3rd Q grade and came out with a 96%. For english, my grade only dropped one point (damn SLB paper!) so i got a 91 for the quarter and finished out with a 93% in the class.... i have no clue what is to become of this. While i was gone we performed out History Salons, and ours was a great write up and we got a 90%... but apparently that was the worst grade? Wonder how we ###### that one up..... hmm....

So right now things are good.... tomorow i get to spend time with Katie on the ART SCAVENGER HUNT!!!!! YES good times good times.... thankgod...


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