What My Mind Does While I Wait

Thursday, April 20, 2006

I was thoroughly embarassed today... not that anyone noticed... but being that i'm the worst player on the soccer team and so dry humored man comes in and makes me look like a joke... not purposly but still....

and i'm angry because for the fifth week in a row... my drum lesson has gotten canceled... and cam is mad at ME for being frustrated with him about it. Why shouldnt i be frustrated... its been five weeks and he's blaming me about my schedule when he's been in Canada and now LA and out to dinner and having gigs.

Today was just overall frustrating. Spanish class... i had no idea what was going on and it was so hot out and my head hurt and i was confused. Band, i screwed up the easiest of songs and our concert is on wednesday... and i have a soli with the other 2 tenors and we're gunna play like ####...

And isn't it the same mistake?
And isn't it the same mistake?
And isn't it the same mistake?
There's not much you can escape
And isn't it the same?
We awake in the light
Feeling hollow and selfishly warm

Yeah, it's fear, it makes you slow
And these creatures look crooked
Their shadows cut lines through my face
And the concrete is fire where my bare feet are placed
In a line next to yours

And it must have been sweat but I drank it like wine
It was sweet, my mouth was dry
I heard your scream but I made no reply
I can still taste it now if i can


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